2024 Candidates

2024 Candidates

Island County Democrats seek to inform Democratic voters about the goals, values and qualifications in many of the 2024 partisan and non-partisan elections. To that end, we invited candidates in key races to complete a short questionnaire.

The Rise & Run Committee reviewed all responses received as well as any incumbent history to provide recommendations on endorsements for Democratic candidates in partisan races or “Preferred” status in non-partisan races in this year’s Primary election in August. Recommendations will be reviewed again after the Primary in preparation for the General election in November.

The recommendations approved by the members of the Island County Democrats are included in the linked documents outlined below. Those recommendations have been grouped by Federal & State Offices and Local & Judicial Offices. You can also link to the candidate questionnaires if they responded. You’ll notice that a few races include endorsements for more than one qualified Democratic candidate.

Federal and State Office Candidate Endorsements/Preferred

Local and Judicial Office Candidate Endorsements